Sunday, December 20, 2009

The holidays have officially started

Yesterday was Maple Tree's breakfast with Santa family event. Putting the event together took a lot of last minute assembly. I went to the school on friday afternoon and left after 3 hours, and even then there was still a lot left to do. the HIP coordinator stayed at the school pretty late. I helped her as much as I could, but I had friends coming over for poker night. Poker night was also good. we actually played poker this time, which was interesting. more people came and it was a pretty different group from last time, so it was interesting.

Saturday morning, I woke up bright and early at 7, picked up Angela, and headed to Maple Tree. Things were chaotic when we got there and everyone was scrambling to do some last-minute assembly. despite the stress of this, the event turned out to be a huge success! we got a good crowd of families and teachers. I spent the entire time with Pastor Dee helping with the read-alouds and making sure the kids didnt destroy the K-4 classroom that we used.

saturday night was the feed milwaukee charity gala at the harley davidson museum. a bunch of VISTAs were there, and it was nice to see them all. i didnt stay too long, though, since the place was packed and lizzy wasnt feeling well. we ended up going to roman coin to play pool and hang out.

i have been chained to the oven all afternoon today. i finished making my holiday presents for everyone and am now waiting for my pumpkin gingerbread to finish baking for tomorrow's staff brunch. i have a lot of ingredients leftover from the gifts i made, so i'm not sure what i'm going to do with them.

the next couple of days will be interesting. tomorrow is the staff brunch at maple tree and also the day that growing power is coming to deliver 50 market baskets that they're donating to the school. tuesday is the last day of school before the break, which means the day of the holiday program.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009,fwel;jsdafed

the title of this post is me taking my frustration out on the keyboard of the computer i work on. healthy? no, but it's my best option without a fencing club to work with.

i just found out during last night's sgc meeting that the breakfast with santa event we planned as a fundraiser for maple tree's tot-lot is no longer a fundraiser, but a family event funded by coa. maple tree has a HIP coordinator who has to plan one family function a month. we wanted her to plan her's after the breakfast with santa event so we didn't run the risk of having too much going on in a short period of time. however, it was decided on tuesday by the HIP coordinator and the school principal that it would be easier for her to take over the event. because of this, it is no longer a fundraiser for the school's tot-lot, but a COA funded family event.

this frustrates me for two reasons: a) i was not told about this change until almost a week later, which means i have been giving people incorrect information all this time, and b) the work i put into this event will most likely be credited to the HIP coordinator. the energy i put into securing a guest to read books to the children that attend the event will go unnoticed, as will the time i put combing through google images looking for the perfect picture of a child sitting on santa's lap for the flyers. my name has been taken off the flyers and replaced with her's.

furthermore, i'm still expected to help out with the event. in fact, i'm still expected to have other VISTAs come help, too. i'm not sure if i'm ok with this. if this is a COA funded event, shouldn't the HIP coordinator take care of finding volunteers? don't get me wrong, i'm all for collaboration, but i wish that i had some say in this decision instead of finding out about it through some gossip in the teacher's lounge a week later.

/end rant.

there is also a snack order that had no room number on it, so it is sitting next to me until a teacher sends a student to me to complain. i'm hoping this happens soon, since there's yogurt and string cheese in the order. also, i may help myself to the cereal bar in the bag if no one claims it...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

"this easily could have been condensed into an hour"

this week has been pretty exhausting for me. mps' action team trainings started on monday, which was the date that maple tree was scheduled for. the day was filled with confusion for many of us, and i left the training feeling a little frustrated. i didn't think maple tree's action team understood how we were supposed to write our action plan, yet i couldn't voice this concern to them because of other people are our table distracting the group. we did set a date for our next meeting, though, so i'm hoping to get it all straightened out during the meeting. i think it will help that the entire group will be present, too.

tuesday was pretty normal at maple tree, except i had to go back to marshall high school afterwards to do childcare for an evening action team training. we were told we would have 7 children to look after, so 3 VISTAs went to do childcare. only one child came. however, he turned out to be the cutest and politest child i have met in the longest time. my favorite moment was when i walked into the room after filling up my water bottle and he looked up at me and said, "what are you drinking," and when i told him water, he said, "can i please have some?" obviously, i couldn't say no.

wednesday was a nice change for me, because i didn't have a staff/learning team meeting after school, so i got to leave a little earlier than i normally do on wednesdays. i took this opportunity to go to the gym, since i didn't have the energy to go on tuesday. thursday was pretty normal, too-spent most of the day getting things in order for monday's sgc meeting in terms of writing up something for a parentlink and such.

yesterday turned out to be interesting. sarah and i decided to instate a biweekly poker night for VISTAs, and this week would be the first one. except i'm smart and forgot to do the facebook invites until thursday afternoon. despite this, three people came over-mark, lizzy, and mary. lizzy and mary brought six packs and left a bunch of beer in my fridge. mark had his first encounter with brie (he actually thought it was a slice of cake) and ate crazy amounts of the crackers i bought at trader joe's. we played several rounds of various card games, had lots of laughs, and ended up at nomad at midnight.

next week's looking busy, too-SGC meeting on monday, staff meeting on wednesday, ATP on thursday, and breakfast with santa at ICS on saturday! stay tuned!