Wednesday, March 24, 2010

new blog?

recently I've found myself spending a lot of my down time reading various blogs with a similar theme: nutrition. more specifically, childhood nutrition. even more recently, a coworker sent a mass email with a link to an article about hipsters on foodstamps. all of this information has got me thinking about my own situation...

i feel no shame in telling people that i am currently receiving foodstamps. in fact, i consider it a benefit of serving Americorps, along with kickass health insurance and an education award to help pay for grad school next year. without foodstamps, it is likely that either a) my parents would have to help me with money, or b) i would starve. however, i would like to point out that i have made some major sacrifices since the days of my meal plan exemption at earlham, including putting an end to my all-organic diet and giving up juice, soda, and other overly-processed drinks in exchange for tap water (note: i do drink coffee and tea, but i only drink one cup of coffee and brew my own tea).

to this date, i only have one issue with foodstamps. i currently receive $200 a month in foodstamps, which is put directly on my QUEST card. this is the maximum amount that an applicant can receive. this means that the unemployed single mom with three kids is receiving the same amount as the college educated Americorps volunteer who receives a living allowance. granted, i do not receive other forms of government assistance, such as unemployment, subsidized housing, or energy assistance, but i doubt that it could total to my monthly living allowance, which is enough to cover the rent for my studio apartment, utilities, parking, cable, and internet. for a person living at the poverty level, i definitely get by.

ok, enough with my off-topic rant. back to the point of this post...

i am considering starting another blog that would focus less on my day-to-day VISTA life and more on how i maintain my vegetarian lifestyle and cook healthy meals for myself on the budget allotted by my foodstamps. i want to prove that there doesn't have to be a correlation between a tight budget and lack of nutrition. the blog will include photos, recipes, and my weekly shopping list (complete with how much my trips to the grocery store total out to).

so here is my question to you, blog followers (if there are any of you left): would you consider reading/following this blog? this would be a time-consuming project, so i want to make sure this effort doesn't go wasted! leave a comment with some feedback, please!


  1. I think you should do it. I mean, if you reach a wider audience, you can get other readers! You're the only person on my blog roll, if that makes you feel special.
    You can always get readers by taking REALLY good pictures of any recipes and posting to tastespotting and foodgawker.

  2. yay- no snack duty!!!! but i was looking forward to breaking snack updates on your blog. looking forward to the food blog; i always am looking for new, cheap recipes!

    one note tho: if you have kids then you get more $$ in food stamps, but there is a limit. ex: there's a parent, married, at one of my schools with 8 children. She receives $1200/month, and that's the max she can receive. but i'd say that's enough for her to get by on, too.
